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- DISHAAN D at 26/12/2023

Embrace the enchantment of cinema this Christmas, choosing films that transport you beyond the predictable. Let the silver screen weave stories that linger, warm your soul, and ignite the fire of imagination.

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The Gaza Conundrum: Palestine, Israel and the Actual Path to Peace
- DISHAAN D at 16/11/2023

What’s common between Christmas and Diwali? Or what’s common between Easter and Eid? Well, The answer lies in their shared distinction as the most jubilant occasions within their respective communities. 7th October 2023, was somewhat similar for the Jews as it was a day where they came forward and celebrated ‘Love and Harmony’ as it was the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah. There was music, love, and happiness until hundreds of armed men descended from the sky in parachutes near a music festival- what ensued were ceaseless volleys of gunfire, mercilessly targeting unarmed revelers. Their transgression? Merely partaking in the festivities of the festival or, perhaps, being Jewish—an identity deemed culpable. But this isn’t something new! Israel’s past has always been tumultuous with constant struggles and fierce gaping wars. It all began when the U.N. in 1948 granted the Jews their own country. This was just after almost two-thirds of the entire Jewish Population in Europe was reduced in the Holocaust due to a Fanatic Austrian Art School Reject who espoused the Aryan Supremacy Theory. Unhappy with the decision of the Partition of the state of Palestine- the Arab Nations waged war with Israel- just a day after the U.N declaration. Imagine surviving the most virulent onslaught borne of animosity towards an entire community, only to find oneself embroiled in subsequent conflicts, facing a different adversary each time! This initial strife marked but the commencement of a series of disquieting, ruthless, and sanguinary wars that would unfold in the annals of history.

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Soil and Struggles Unrecognised: Exclusion Amidst Devotion
- DISHAAN D at 20/10/2023

Mishti, a sixteen-year-old, was brought into the world of prostitution at the young age of ten. She was promised a roof over her head, clean clothes to wear and three meals a day. A trade agreement convincing enough for her parents to send her off with an unknown middle-aged man, who brought her to the narrow lanes of Sonagachi. In the past six years, she has tried to escape four times but all efforts were in vain. She could never surpass the ‘Nishiddho Pallis’ (Red Light Areas). Over time she has given up and tried to build a home out of the ten dilapidated rooms. She knew the one at the extreme end corner like the back of her hand, she knew the three spots upon which the filtered light through the curtains would fall, the constant plinks of water from the heavy seepage on the ceiling and the rhythmic yet bothersome humming noise of the fan. Years have passed by and the anger and sorrow have turned into nonchalance and acceptance. She is a reserved girl who lives by each day as asked of her, and in return, asks for just five days of happiness. Each year, from ‘Shoshti to Doshomi’ (Sixth day to Tenth day of Durga Pujo), Mishti is on leave. She puts on her white saree with red borders, a clothing item quintessential to the women of Bengal, and goes to visit nearly all Durga Pandals in North Kolkata with her 4-year old daughter, Gudiya.

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राष्ट्र भाषा हिन्दी: एकता या अन्याय

 "हिन्दी दिवस पर, हिन्दी बोलने वाले, हिन्दी बोलने वालों से कहते है की हिन्दी बोलना चाहिए।"  हरिशंकर परसाई द्वारा लिखा गया यह वाक्य आज हमारे समाज में हिंदी की स्थिति को दर्शाता है।  हिन्दी दिवस की बधाई! परंतु मेरा सवाल ये है की आखिर हिन्दुस्तान में हिंदी दिवस की आवश्यकता क्यूँ? हम इतने सालों से आपस में एक दूसरे को हिन्दी का महत्व क्यों बता रहे है? यह भाषा हमारी संस्कृति का अहम हिस्सा हैं, यह बात हमें हर साल इस देश को क्यूँ याद दिलानी पड़ती हैं?

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Unveiling Minds of Students
- Ishan Pandey at 15/06/2023

Mental health has long been a neglected aspect of overall well-being in India, and this oversight is particularly evident when it comes to students. The pressures of academic performance, societal expectations, and a lack of awareness have contributed to a significant rise in mental health issues among students...

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Rebuilding trusts in NFT
- SUMEET KUMAR at 09/06/2023

Mankind has always taken immense pride in its remarkable technological innovations, which have shaped our society from ancient times, starting with the invention of the wheel, all the way to the revolutionary power of the Internet. Each stride forward represents a testament to our collective progress and the evolution of human civilization. While Web2 brought about unprecedented transformations in various domains, Web3 is now emerging as a promising frontier, captivating the imagination of innovators and tech enthusiasts alike. At the heart of this new era, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have emerged as a groundbreaking means to verify ownership of digital assets using smart contracts on the blockchain.

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Is Love a Social Construct
- SHASHANK RAJ at 01/06/2023

In a labyrinthine world of shadows and veils, where hearts wander and the soul often ails, loneliness reigns with an iron hand, and love, they say, is society's demand. Love, like the vast expanse of life and freedom, should be an ethereal sanctuary where one's own heart becomes the arbiter of its essence. In this realm of personal definition, love becomes a dance of self-expression, an artistry of emotions unfurled. Each individual possesses a unique palette, painting love in vibrant hues that defy the confines of societal norms and expectations. Love, then, becomes a testament to the kaleidoscope of human experiences, transcending boundaries and embracing the extraordinary. Trail the link below to read the pensive piece by Akash(@akashrupam_6102) on the dialectics of love as a construction of society.

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The Transient Strokes and Timeless Echoes of Art
- SUMEET KUMAR at 29/05/2023

This period of Art possibly has had the most diversity in terms of styles, mediums, and ideologies. From paintings to films, from Pablo Picasso to Christopher Nolan, Art is both abstract and visionary. Art, as a transcendent medium, employs its aesthetic prowess to deconstruct paradigms, illuminate ontological depths, and redefine the very essence of human existence. Through its interplay of form, colour, and conceptual frameworks, art unveils profound narratives that challenge preconceived notions and propel society toward transformative introspection.

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The Grappling Dilemma: An Analysis of the Ongoing Wrestlers' Protest in India
- SUMEET KUMAR at 28/05/2023

India's wrestling scene is currently embroiled in a chaotic predicament, as the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) continues to clash with several premier wrestlers. The ongoing protests by wrestlers in India is a complex issue with various characters playing their roles. Typically, a conflict is characterized by two opposing sides. Yet what if I were to tell you that the ongoing struggle comprises a multifaceted face-off amongst three dissimilar groups? Brij Bhushan Singh, the reigning head of WFI, finds himself mired in a scandalous situation. He has been alleged to have indulged in reprehensible behavior such as perpetrating sexual harassment towards women wrestlers and displaying partiality against those belonging to the Haryana region. Standing tall against him are some of the country’s top wrestlers like Sakshi Malik, Bajrang Punia, and Vinesh Phogat. Now the third side involved happens to be Deependra Huda, a congress lawmaker and the former president of the Haryana Wrestling Federation.

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Cricket for All: The Democratization of a Classic Game.
- SUMEET KUMAR at 22/05/2023

n life, we all get a second chance. There are very few unfortunate people who don't get a second chance. Gundappa Vishwanath made a duck on debut, he got a second chance and made 137. If he hadn't got a second chance, we would have missed one of our geniuses, who knows! This game is a great leveller and it shows people rough phases. Sachin was the master of the game and behaved like the servant of the game. But even he went through a lean patch and to the extent that he offered the greatest deal known to mankind that would his partner mind playing Hansie Cronje and he himself plays Allan Donald!

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काल के सोपान पर हमारा बिहार: बिहार दिवस विशेष
- SHASHANK RAJ at 23/03/2023

चिरकाल के दमन का झुलसा बिहार राज्य आज जब अपनी अतीत की अस्थियों को टटोलता है तो राख से केवल मलाल झड़कर बिखर जाता है। क्या ऐसा है कि अपने समय का यह प्रभाकर आधुनिकता से चौंधिया कर सामाजिक उन्नति का मार्ग भूल गया है? या इसकी जनता ही कहीं खोई पड़ी है?

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Fierce Feminine Figures: Sita and Draupadi as Symbols of Strength and Resilience
- SHASHWAT JHA at 08/03/2023

As we continue to strive for equality and justice for women around the world, we can draw inspiration from the stories of Sita and Draupadi. Their personalities are a powerful reminder of the power of women and the importance of standing up for oneself in the face of adversity. On this Women's Day, let us not let it slip away in a blur of bouquets, confectioneries, WhatsApp messages and rampant commercialization. Let us celebrate womanhood in all its fervor and empower women to break free from the shackles of a society that tries to limit their sky. Only then can we create a truly inclusive society where women are treated with respect and equality.

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भारत विमर्श
- SUMEET KUMAR at 23/01/2023

आज का भारत तकनीक और उद्यम के शिखर पर है। समय के स्यंदन पर सवार आज का भारत प्रगति की नई परिभाषा लिखा रहा है। प्राचीन आदर्शों व नवीन संकल्पनाओं के साथ बढ़ता हुआ हमारा हिंदुस्तान कदाचित एकमात्र ऐसा देश है जिसने अनेकों संस्कृतियों व सभ्यताओं को समृद्ध करने के साथ साथ मानव जाती की बौधिक मीमांसा में सबसे मौलिक योगदान दिया है। 

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- SHASHANK RAJ at 21/01/2023

It is the politics of security that barges in on the status quo and resuscitates dialogues over the platter of power. Standing at the point in history where the global order is at crossroads, it’s time that human kind opens questioning authority and power anew.

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LitNight'23: A Literary Escapade
Media Report
- SUMEET KUMAR at 17/01/2023

The Birla Institute of Technology Mesra's Literary Society recently conducted its annual literary fest, LITNIGHT'23, from 13th-15th January, 2023. The three-day event was an extravaganza of literature, drama, and poetry. The event was organized at the CAT Hall and was supported by the Jharkhand Writers Association, which was the title sponsor of the event. The Crepe Cafe and Sadda Adda cafe and lounge were delight and dining partners, respectively.

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The dying Indian arts
- SUMEET KUMAR at 13/01/2023

India is a country of rich cultural heritage with indigenous art forms in almost every region. Art is a first-hand witness to our rich historical backgrounds and our widespread culture. The extinction of these art forms will not only lead to large-scale unemployment of the local artisans but also cause the eradication of our ancient culture. Next time you visit an exquisite exhibition and find yourself admiring the beauty of a resplendent handicraft or awe-inspiring painting, take a moment and breathe in the fragrance of devotion that our Indian craftsmen have imparted in the making of these masterpieces. 

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ChatGPT and the Exponential Rise of AI
- SHASHANK RAJ at 31/12/2022

The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has spurred a deluge of contemplation regarding its potential impact on the evolution of humanity. Some espouse the belief that AI is a valuable asset, constituting a marked progression in our species' development. Conversely, others harbour reservations about the hazards associated with AI, particularly the possibility of it attaining self-awareness and surpassing human intelligence. The opposing viewpoints on AI have ignited a spirited discourse, with both sides presenting cogent arguments. Get ready to explore the potential and perils of artificial intelligence (AI). Sit back, relax, and delve into Aditya's insights on the rise of AI and its impact on human lives and jobs.

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Anti-Hijab Protests: A Desperate Call for Change
- SHASHANK RAJ at 28/12/2022

The most obvious sign of a volatile tyranny is the complete and utter oppression of public opinion. Such a situation is most apparently visible today in the Islamic Republic of Iran, that has seen a recent rise in the protests against the mandatory Hijab rule. The revolt presents one of the largest threats to the ruling authority of the country. The rule had sparked intense debate and riots from the moment of its conception, and to this say remains a topic of contention on a global scale. So grab a cup of coffee and settle down to read Priyanka's opinion on the turbulent state of the country and the need for change to ensure the growth of a nation.

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भारतेन्दु हरिश्चंद्र: आधुनिक हिंदी के पितामह
- SUMEET KUMAR at 28/12/2022

हिंदी साहित्य को पढ़ने और समझने वाला शायद ही कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति होगा जिसने भारतेन्दु हरिश्चन्द्र की रचनाएं न पढ़ी हों। आधुनिक हिंदी साहित्य के जनक कहे जाने वाले भारतेंदु हरिश्चंद्र का जन्म 9 सितंबर 1850 को वाराणसी में हुआ था। वह कवि गोपाल चंद्र के पुत्र थे। भारतेंदु (जिसका शाब्दिक अर्थ 'भारत का चंद्रमा' है ) औपनिवेशिक भारत की सामाजिक और आर्थिक स्थिति पर अपनी तीखी टिप्पणी के लिए जाने जाते है। 

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The mysterious feline
- SUMEET KUMAR at 26/12/2022

From being the most revered pet and being mummified by the Egyptians to being the company of the darkness, cats have been a continuous accomplice of mankind. Well, the cat really does seem to have an inexplicable propensity to arrive at the most inopportune time. Perhaps the notion of Schrodinger's cat was not that far-fetched.

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The Bewildering Economics of Christmas
- VEDANT GUPTA at 26/12/2022

Christmas is here, and it is that time of the year when we get to hear cackles of laughter over Christmas crackers watching people savouring over elaborate feasts. It is the time when friends and family come together, and spend quality time together. Gift giving has been the favorite part for Christmas not just for kids, but for adults as well. Giving a gift brings pleasure to the giver as well as the recipient. Giving a gift allows the giver to experience the joy of generosity. Choosing a gift to give allows us to think about what the recipient might like and it serves as an opportunity to reflect, imagine, and organize something special for the recipient. 

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The Magic of Messi: A retrospective on the career of the greatest footballer of our time.
- AAYUSH GARG at 24/12/2022

“Me-ssi Me-ssi” - the chants of hundreds of ardent fans echoed throughout the air whenever he scored a goal, and it made one wonder just what it was about the man that made millions across the globe love him unconditionally. 

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The Intersection of AR, VR, 5G, and Edge Computing
- SUMEET KUMAR at 23/12/2022

The rise of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) is one of the most exciting developments in technology today. From games like Pokemon GO and movies like Ready Player 1 to hardware like Oculus Go and Google Daydream, these technologies have captured the imagination of businesses and consumers alike. But what makes AR and VR particularly noteworthy is their potential to create new and innovative connected experiences that blend the physical and digital worlds.

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Euthanasia Conundrum
- SUMEET KUMAR at 21/12/2022

What does the legality of Euthanasia mean for the common masses? Is mankind equipped to bear the consequences of willful termination of life which may be far reaching in their own right? What are we, as a state, essentially trying to achieve and how does that differ with the status quo of the term? Before leading to the questions surrounding the topic, one needs to have a clear understanding of the term and its associated parlances. 

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MEN: The voices that are heard but never listened
- VEDANT GUPTA at 11/12/2022

To all my Feminists and Men’s Rights activists, this is a humble urge not to anticipate but instead read and interpret. Once upon a time, a man named Robert lived in the United States. Robert was a happily married man blessed with two children. However, now Robert was detained for domestic violence in a state penitentiary, where he had attempted suicide by slitting his throat ear to ear. By the grace of God, he was saved and sent to a psychiatrist. While talking to his counsellor, Robert burst into tears about how he was sexually abused by his uncle at six and gang-raped at twenty-one. This revelation by him made his counsellor realize the underlying cause of his trauma. Moreover, it was later realized by Robert’s wife that Robert was never trying to abuse her. Instead, his past trauma from unconsented touch led Robert to act violently one day when they shared a private moment together. 

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BIT Unplugged : A melodious rendezvous of soulful harmonies
Media Report
- AAYUSH GARG at 11/11/2022

Music is the voice that compels the soul to dance recklessly to delightful rhythms, shed tears at the melancholy tunes, and mellow out freely in our self-created world. It serves as an alluring escape on dreary days packed with tiresome schedules. Soothing harmonies alleviate suffering, calm the bundling nerves, unties the knots of anxiety, and act as a lullaby that puts our pain in a deep slumber. Euphonious symphonies of deep meaning awaken memories that extricate swarms of emotions from the cavernous depths of the soul and infiltrate the heart with passion.

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Deepotsav ‘22 : An augury of festivities and cultural delight
Media Report
- HARSH RANJAN at 10/11/2022

An amalgamation of scintillating live music, graceful dance performances, fashion, glamor, and festive fun, Deepotsav’22 organized by Leo Club of BIT Mesra, in association with Dhwani - Music Club, Dance Club, and Fine Arts Society on 7th November 2022 was an eventful and mesmerizing evening. The cultural night which was held at the NCC ground provided students with a graceful gateway to groove to the uplifting dance beats of the DJ night, forgetting about the various woes that come packed with student college life for a few hours, giving them a memory to treasure in their unforgettable college journey.

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UTKRISHT ‘22 : An aesthetic escapade through pictures
Media Report
- SHASHANK RAJ at 09/11/2022

The Photographic Society of Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra unveiled its flagship event Utkrisht ’22 on the evening of Friday, 4th November, 2022 at 6:30 P.M. Having Canon as its Titular sponsor, and Jharkhand Tourism and Nora Foto Labs as the Associate sponsors, the three-day event turned out to be a breath of fresh air for the students, coming in right before the onset of rigorous preparations for the end semester examinations. 

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An Ode to the Melodious Nightingale of India: Lata Mangeshkar
- SHASHANK RAJ at 06/11/2022

In the melange of expressive heteroglossia and the vast storehouse of moral tales and sensual divine that were transposed from the cassette revolution, Lata Ji's ubiquitous voice was augmented through radio and gramophone records reaching out to the diverse masses. Her melodious voice encapsulated the heart of millions across the globe, truly proving to be an epitome of sweetness, purity, and simplicity, all of which reflected the atmosphere and preferences of the era in which she rose to popularity, and was a natural expression of her strength and calm power and resolve, much like her knowledgeable manner.  

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An Industrious Technophile: Rani Yadav Ranjan
Media Report
- SHASHANK RAJ at 06/11/2022

Women in the Technical Industry is a widely discussed topic, and the difficulty for women to break the glass ceiling has always been evident in the industry. An economy that does not fully use the leadership abilities provided by women creates a significant economic drag in a society where talent is divided equally among men and women. Women bring a lot of excellent skills to the table, and they should be placed in leadership roles wherever necessary so that they may maximise them. There is a lot of power that a woman holds and can utilise.

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AAGAZ- A Euphonious Extravaganza
Media Report
- SHASHANK RAJ at 06/11/2022

The magical melodies and heartfelt poems, the symphonious voices and soul-stirring words, music, and literature coexist. The Literary Society, along with the Dhwani-Music club, organised an encaptivating, heart-touching, and soulful evening, "AAGAZ'' as an inaugural event of their annual flagship events ROSTRA'22 and NAAD'22.

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ROSTRA'22: Conglomeration of Literati
Media Report
- SHASHANK RAJ at 06/11/2022

It is said that there is no surer foundation for a beautiful friendship than a mutual taste in literature. A benevolent heart always delights its visceral emotion through exchanging words and thoughts. It enables us to see through the lenses of others, becoming a looking glass into the world where words breathe life in tranquility. As we sip on its sweet nectar, sing, and celebrate, we unknowingly embark on a journey ushered by the creative imagination and the ability to think beyond the odds. Indeed, it stirs a flame that is true to life and soul. Candid yet surreal.

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NAAD'22- Dhwani's Symphonious Cabaret
Media Report
- SHASHANK RAJ at 06/11/2022

Music is an exquisite art that soothes our souls and helps us connect with people. It imbues us with fervour and mitigates the subsistence of an entity full of sufferings. The essence of music is concocted with rhythm, texture, pitch, timbre, and dynamics. There are many genres of music like classical, blues, rock, jazz, folk, etc. All genres are equally contrasting and mellifluous in their way.

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World Environment Day- Safeguarding Humanity’s Only Home.
Media Report
- KASHISH SINGH at 08/06/2022

These lines taken from Rabindranath Tagore's famous Bengali poetry, Sabujer Abhijaan, compare the youth to luscious green shoots of grass. He urges the youth to channelise their inner vigour to bring about changes in the world. They have the power to break old patterns and also school older generations regarding the same. World Environment Day observed on June 5th, is a day of worldwide activism. Led by UNEP and held annually since 1973, the event has grown to be the most influential global platform for environmental outreach. Millions of people from across the world engage in protecting the planet. Keeping up with the same spirit, the Institution's Innovation Council (IIC), in collaboration with the National Service Scheme and Environment Protection and Awareness Club (EPAC), Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, exhibited extraordinary fervour during the World Environment Day celebrations. With Herculean moral strength, every participating member blazed with passion as they worked for the betterment of the environment. Despite all the toil and the scorching heat they had to work under, there was not a single moment where the members lost their gusto. Not only did they work on the grassroot levels, but they also plugged away at encouraging people to preserve our fragile nature. Students coordinated each event with beaming faces and impeccable commitment to make this day a successful affair.

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Pride: A Riot of Love and Hatred
- KASHISH SINGH at 02/06/2022

Pride. There is just something about the word that immediately diffuses its essence into the person saying it. An emotion as passionate as it is subtle, the term has acquired several connotations over the years. With the month of June having just begun its course, it leaves no doubt of the fact that the word ‘Pride’ is currently being used to refer to the celebrations of the month. But what exactly is Pride? Why do we, a species as a whole, feel the need to dedicate an entire month to the existence and expression of one of the most marginalized communities in the global society? What is it that motivates people to march across whole cities, proudly declaring their identities in a show of absolute fearlessness?

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Reverence To The Rhapsodic genius: KK
- KASHISH SINGH at 03/06/2022

Every second, music traces its journey through our hearts, from gaining impeccable strength for overcoming any obstacle to collapsing into small bits. Music is a formidable technique for expressing one's emotion and desire to construct a figure that will live on in one's soul forever. From getting butterflies of infatuation to crying your heart out, we all have seen a journey from "Kya Mujhe Pyaar Hai" to "Sach Keh Raha Hai Deewana, Dil, Dil Na Kisi Se Lagana".

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Beauty Pageants–A Mortification of Womanhood?
- KASHISH SINGH at 07/06/2022

"And the new Miss Universe is (drum roll) INDIA!" As Steve Harvey announced Harnaaz Kaur Sandhu as the winner of the Miss Universe contest, in that instant, all she could see was her Miss Congeniality-inspired fantasies coming into life. The feral crowd broke the suspenseful silence with the deafening roar reaching its crescendo—the hearts of millions brimmed with pride, eliciting a sense of patriotism. With a broad smile, gleaming eyes, and a well-rehearsed demeanour, Sandhu broke into tears of glee and donned the crown of Miss Universe with a rousing celebratory yell, "Chak De Phatte, India! Chak De Phatte." Holding the conviction of heart, her sagacious and poised responses ensured that the crown belonged to the nation. In a society where patriarchy runs thick, they lead from the front as the epitomes of empowered women with a candid personality and causes they espouse.

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Music, Politics, and Emotions
Media Report
- KASHISH SINGH at 22/06/2022

“A song, while being sung and played, acquires a body. And it does this by taking over and briefly possessing existent bodies.” John Berger elucidates the unique ways in which a song controls the bodies of singers and musicians collectively give a body to a song. Flamenco performers often talk about el duende. Duende is a quality, a resonance that makes a performance unforgettable. It occurs when a performer is possessed, inhabited, by a force or a set of compulsions coming from outside her or his own self. Duende is a ghost from the past. And it’s unforgettable because it visits the present in order to address the future. The tempo, the beat, the loops, and the repetitions of a song construct a shelter from the flow of linear time: a shelter in which future, present, and past can console, provoke, ironize and inspire one another. Anyone can perform a duende, but in music, this acquired body of the song rises and dies perpetually once it is performed and is revived each time it is reverberated and interpreted by people. This is how music lives, immortally, through the bodies of different people over time. 

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The Vying Strife of Medical Entrances
- HARSH RANJAN at 24/06/2022

Most of us have been mentally conditioned to believe that engineers run the world and doctors save lives. In this piece, I’ll be highlighting the fallacies of the Indian medical education system and how even a massive population of 140 crore couldn’t suffice for adequate medical resources and infrastructure? This piece will delve into why the doctor-to-people ratio in our country is fairly low?

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We The BITians: Triumph Tales of the Transcendent
Media Report
- HARSH RANJAN at 09/08/2022

The future belongs to those who acquire new abilities and creatively integrate them into all walks of life. A solid knowledge base facilitates the more efficient and effective operation of the brain. With the power of knowledge, one becomes smarter and more adept at problem-solving. By exchanging ideas and information about specific topics, one can assist others learn new skills and foster an environment where everyone feels comfortable posing questions and answering the inquiries of those who are eager to learn.

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Dramanite'22: Ehsaas' Artistic Rhapsody
Media Report
- HARSH RANJAN at 09/09/2022

Drama is like a dream, it is not real, but it is really felt. Drama is the medium through which any kind of story is enacted through performance and dialogue. It has a plot, characters, conflict, music, and dialogue. They endeavour to regale an individual or a group of individuals. In order to consummate the participants’ unquenchable quest for drama, Ehsaas, the dramatics society of Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, organized the Dramanite ‘22 at the CAT Hall on 6th September 2022. 

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Ciné Des Dossiers: Hindi Movies 2021
- ANKIT KUMAR RAVI at 01/01/2022

With the hope of theatres reopening and the pandemic receding into the background, the year 2021 began as a movie-going year. However, nothing is ever guaranteed, especially during a pandemic, when every bounty is shadowed by an air of doom. Nevertheless, from an artistic standpoint, the year 2021 was a fantastic cinematic vintage that rose from the ashes like a phoenix. Some of us returned to movie theatres, hesitantly but gratefully, after a year of streaming movies at home. A celebratory season of light after months of darkness, as we would like to put it, this year has been the exuberant spring in the world of cinema that offered exceptional artistry amid the industry’s commercial difficulties. With that, Team NAPS is elated to present you with some larger-than-life scale movie hits of 2021.

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Dhwani’s Live Jam 7.0: A Visceral Symphony of Melodies
Media Report
- HARSH RANJAN at 17/09/2022

Music is the essence of life that encompasses the entirety of our being. With all its rhythm and melody, it penetrates even the most hidden crevices of our hearts, giving us a way to express and externalise our emotions. We continuously divulge ourselves in the euphonious symphonies to awaken the full range of our inexplicable inclinations. Every beat resonates within us with an explosive expression of sentiments and sensations entwined with our spirit and soul.

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Ciné Des Dossiers: Hindi Web Series 2021
- ANKIT KUMAR RAVI at 01/01/2022

In terms of entertainment, the year 2021 was supposedly the golden era of content, with OTT shows leading the way. With the developers of the Hindi web series experimenting with various genres and forms, providing us with a wide range of options to select from, 2021 witnessed a new web series almost every week. Moreover, several films that were slated for theatrical release were instead published solely on digital platforms. A marathon of shows, as we would like to call it, the streaming platforms were crowded with some shows that kept us on the edge of our seats while some made us experience mixed emotions. They portrayed a good content of suspense, drama, and romance. Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney+ Hotstar were among the most common streaming platforms that aided us in making a triumphant shift to the realm of OTT. Thank you to these titans for assisting us in surviving another COVID-induced year. Don't worry if you missed it; Team NAPS has got you covered!

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स्वर्णिम विजय दिवस: 1971 युद्ध का वास्तविक सिद्धि की जीत
- ANKIT KUMAR RAVI at 04/01/2022

विजय दिवस भारत के इतिहास में स्वर्णिम अक्षरों में अंकित वीरता की एक ऐसी गाथा है जिसमें शहीद हुए वीरों की क़ुर्बानी आज भी हर हिंदुस्तानी के दिल में अमर है। इन योद्धाओं के वीरता की कहानियाँ सदैव हमें गौरवान्वित करती रहेंगी। विजय दिवस, 1971 भारत-पाकिस्तान युद्ध में हमें पाकिस्तान पर भारत की जीत का स्मरण कराता है। युद्ध के दौरान करीब 3,900 भारतीय सैनिक वीरगति को प्राप्त हुए थे और 9,851 घायल । प्रत्येक वर्ष 16 दिसंबर को 1971 के युद्ध में पाकिस्तान पर भारतीय सशस्त्र बलों की जीत का स्मरण एवं सम्मान करने के लिए इस दिन, भारत देश की रक्षा करने वाले सभी वीरोचित सैनिकों को श्रद्धांजलि दी जाती है। 1971 का युद्ध भारत-पाकिस्तान का एक ऐसा युद्ध था जहां पाकिस्तान को बड़े पैमाने पर हार का सामना करना पड़ा था। इस कारणवश आज पूर्वी पाकिस्तान को सम्पूर्ण रूप से आज़ादी मिल गयी और बांग्लादेश के रूप में एक नए देश का निर्माण हुआ, जिस नाम से वो पूरे विश्व में पहचाना जाता है।

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Media Report
- HARSH RANJAN at 20/09/2022

Dance is a visceral emotion rooted within which gently touches the sweet spot of the human heart. The melody it creates lingers in the soul, which relishes the warmth of joy it brings with itself. It is like silent poetry that can only be heard by those who celebrate the pleasure of giving with heartfulness. Whether it's contemporary, ballet, abstract or freestyle, something is captivating in how the human body contorts to fulfill the bracket of gratification.

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- ANKIT KUMAR RAVI at 05/01/2022

WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC. The Constitution of India These are the initial few words with which the Preamble of the most sacrosanct instrument of jurisprudence- ‘The Constitution of India” incepts. India as a country has a rich written civilizational history of over 5000 years. Out of a myriad diverse ethos and principles which find its sources and patrons of propagation inside the subcontinent itself, secularism is one of the most essential and valuable dimensions constituting the social fabric of our nation. 

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- ANKIT KUMAR RAVI at 06/01/2022

In the current day universe of advanced proficiency, popular culture is considered a central force among the exercises focused on the inclinations of everyone. With the arrival of social media, it has become easier to disseminate distinct cultures across the globe, transforming the world into a single global society. Pop culture has made inroads into our lives as nothing else has. When we think about popular culture, we probably imagine the images, products, and stories that represent the global culture - the biggest hit songs, the most popular television shows, or the trends that everyone is talking about. These are all examples of pop culture, but it's more than just these cultural products. It's a phenomenon that reflects our active engagement with it.

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Durga Puja: From Emotion to Commercialisation
- HARSH RANJAN at 03/10/2022

Thin wispy clouds and white feathery flowers. The distant sound of a dhaak and the ringing of a conch being blown with gusto. The bamboo frameworks of pandals and the earthen idols at Kumartuli. The red and white sarees, and the enigma of bustling crowds. The hawkers shouting out to the world and the pure smell of unrivalled excitement (and sweat, lots of it) in the air. By this point, does any Indian need another hint to guess the festival being referred to?

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Ciné Des Dossiers: English Webseries 2021
- ANKIT KUMAR RAVI at 09/01/2022

Amidst all the rising pessimism and cynicism the pandemic has brought upon us, we strive to absorb every drop of optimism that comes our way. While the distraught feelings kept our minds in the Sisyphean labyrinth of desolation, entertainment was the glimmer of hope at the end of this dark tunnel.  Contrary to the shackles of race, country, class, gender, or religion in which we keep ourselves entangled, this unbiased corona-kind has untangled us from all of the above restraints and made us realize that no matter how far we go, we humans will always remain biologically, physically, and emotionally connected. Thus, the entire OTT world took this lesson of inclusivity and catered us with some of the best shows from every nook and corner of the globe. Some shows inspired us, some provided a doorway to escape the harsh truths of the world, while yet others provided a bite of reality.

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Ciné Des Dossiers: English Movies 2021
- ANKIT KUMAR RAVI at 10/01/2022

With the gradual cessation of the pandemic period and the culmination of creativity to its apex, 2021 proved to be a euphorically movie-frenzy year. The virtuosity, flair, and prowess displayed by the content creators of the big-screen industry not only left their audience astonished and awestruck but also helped people to recover from the stupefied state of quarantine and isolation all across the globe. The threadbare year successfully established itself to be the brightest luminary amidst the darkest of times, and yet again enunciated the fact that art, culture, artistry, and entertainment are the best cures for all afflictions. This being said, team NAPS is ecstatically happy to present before you “Ciné des Dossiers,” a section where we deliver the best amongst the rest from the English Movie Industry at your disposal.

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The Mysterious Power Of Yin-Yang
- HARSH RANJAN at 08/10/2022

Sometimes you evolve, sometimes you devolve. Sometimes you get the life drawn out of you, and other times you breathe life back in. There are times to shut down the window and times to open up for the breeze to pass through. There are times the fences go up, and then times they come back down again. You manifest your heaven and hell in this life based on your actions. So when you descend into hell, retrace your thoughts to where the negative started and redirect your thoughts to the positive. Both of these reflections are your creations that navigate your reality. Now, let me ask you a question. Have you ever pondered how Po was able to triumph over Lord Shen? How did the Furious Five find inner peace to conquer the outer world? Is that even possible? How could inner peace defeat the most lethal cannon rounds designed to demolish Kung-Fu... and if it did exist, could a meal of spaghetti or dumplings usher in the same ability within us? 

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Media Report
- HARSH RANJAN at 16/10/2022

The Annual Technical Fest of BIT Mesra, PANTHEON ‘22, commenced with exuberance on 14th October, 2022. Being one of the biggest technical fests of Eastern India, Pantheon has always been a focal point for students to showcase their technological prowess and ingenious ideas. The theme for this year’s fest was “Evolution To Eternity.” Their profound meaning can embrace the latency of these three words. Evolution does not mean the survival of the fittest or the most intelligent species. Instead, it refers to the ability of a species to adjust and adapt to environmental problems and stresses. The social cause reflected in this year’s theme was ‘Sustainergy’, which motivates innovators to think about cleaner forms of energy. 

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Pantheon'22: A Hive of Tech, Innovation and Exuberant Cultural Extravagance
Media Report
- HARSH RANJAN at 17/10/2022

The current world where we live in renders it almost impossible for anyone in the present day and age not to look beyond the impact of the ever-changing tech industry and the numerous ways in which it has reshaped our youth. After a protracted wait of three years, it was indeed a delightful sight for all the students as the much-awaited Pantheon Techfest returned full-fledgedly in all its grandeur to the BIT Mesra campus. The exhilarating events of the three-day technical extravaganza kicked off on 15th October 2022. A total of ten intriguing events were conducted on the first day followed by a stirring cultural night which left the audience with nothing but strong spells of satisfaction and fulfilment. The various enthralling and exciting events were classified into three major categories - Flagship, Formal and Informal events. Each of these events received great praise and admiration from the crowd.

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Pantheon'22: A Scintillating Concotion of Culture and Technology
Media Report
- HARSH RANJAN at 19/10/2022

With a plethora of breathtaking performances and enthralling contests, Pantheon lived true to its reputation of being the most phenomenal technical fest. Progressing forward with an assorted array of refreshing technical and cultural events, October 16th, 2022, marked the second day of Pantheon. The vivacity of competitions began their course from 9:30 A.M. onwards, followed by riveting technical events and an ebullient cultural night. The energy packed day transcended into a vibrant evening laced with sparkling performances and euphonious symphonies. 

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PANTHEON'22: An Eccentric Ideation
Media Report
- HARSH RANJAN at 22/10/2022

As the much-awaited PANTHEON came to a close, the final day saw a plethora of events. As the day progressed, the events witnessed the students bustling around the beautiful campus, proving their mettle in the realm of technology, advancing towards technical prowess and ingenious innovations. The participants displayed exceptional skills and a commitment to becoming future leaders who revolutionise society with their zeal and prowess.

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- HARSH RANJAN at 05/11/2022

Think about Marilyn Monroe, and a picture of her gorgeous smile, her lips stained in crimson, her blonde hair; curled and bobbed to perfection,her sleepy, siren eyes, her raspy voice soaked in her own breath and the iconic "flying skirt" scene from the New York subway pops into mind. However, her effulgent yet cataclysmic odyssey is a gentle reminder of how much can be stripped from a person, bit by bit, until nothing is left of oneself. Who was the real Marilyn Monroe? – a debate that has roused many critics, historians, filmmakers, and the general public for decades. Narratives of Monroe’s life fixate on the controversies and scandals surrounding her at the expense of her artistry and dedication. For the millions of people she has inspired over the years, Marilyn Monroe still remains something of a mystery. A sensational icon, much more than just her body and a pretty face–the absolute essence of femininity, but reduced only to a series of messy love affairs, drug addiction, sexual glamour, and a sorrowful demise. However, Marilyn's mystery is not that of her ascent but of the radical contradictions of her life. But is there nothing else worth saying about Marilyn and her cinematic legacy?

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महापर्व छठ पूजा : संस्कृति और विज्ञान का संगम
- SHASHANK RAJ at 31/10/2022

गंगा की तराई क्षेत्र में धान पीली हो चली है और चेहरे पर आकर ठिठुरती शुष्क पछिया हवा के हिलोरे शरद ऋतु का उद्बोधन कर रहे हैं। ऐसी हल्की शीत लहरी में दूर कहीं से आती इन गीतों की गूंज तन-मन में एक अलग ही ऊर्जा का संचार कर रही है। कार्तिक अमावस बीती और शुक्ल पक्ष आरंभ हो चुका है। गोधूली वेला में बजते नगाड़ों का घोष अंतरमन में छठ महापर्व के आगमन की प्रत्याशा जगाकर हृदय को मुकुलित कर रहा है। ऐसी करुण भावनाओं का अंबार, छठ पर्व, पूर्वी भारत के सबसे महत्त्वपूर्ण त्योहारों में से एक है। लोकमान्यता के अनुसार इस पर्व की आराध्य देवी छठ मईया हैं, वहीं देवता स्वरूप में इस पर्व में सृष्टि के प्रत्यक्ष सूर्य देव की प्रतिष्ठा है। चाहे जिन देवी-देवताओं की आराधना को माध्यम बनाएं, वास्तव में यह पर्व प्रकृति-पूजन व संरक्षण की सनातन दृष्टि का ही संवहन करता है। इस चार दिवसीय पर्व की छटा अत्यंत निराली है।

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भारतीय प्रगतिवाद की पटकथा - हीरक जयंती विशेष
- SUMEET KUMAR at 16/11/2022

वर्तमान में बड़ा प्रश्न यह उजागर होता है की क्या हमारे पास वह क्षमता है जिससे हम अपने मानव संसाधन - अपने वर्कफोर्स - को कुशल और मूल्यपरक तरीके से प्रशिक्षित कर सकें? क्या हममें वह काबिलियत है कि 21वीं सदी द्वारा भेंट किये जा रहे अंतहीन अवसरों का हम दक्षतापूर्ण लाभ उठा सकें? क्या कारण हैं कि इतने साधन संपन्न होते हुए भी पाश्चात्य परिभाषा में हम आज भी विकसित होने के बजाए विकासरत देशों में गिने जाते हैं? देश की नौकरशाही व्यवस्था में बड़े व्यापक पैमाने पर भ्रष्टाचार व्याप्त है जिसने हमारी सामाजिक आधार-संरचना को खोखला कर दिया है। क्या हम इस परिदृश्य को पलटने की चेष्टा रखते हैं?

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