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Embrace the enchantment of cinema this Christmas, choosing films that transport you beyond the predictable. Let the silver screen weave stories that linger, warm your soul, and ignite the fire of imagination.
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The Gaza Conundrum: Palestine, Israel and the Actual Path to Peace
- DISHAAN D at 16/11/2023

What’s common between Christmas and Diwali? Or what’s common between Easter and Eid? Well, The answer lies in their shared distinction as the most jubilant occasions within their respective communities. 7th October 2023, was somewhat similar for the Jews as it was a day where they came forward and celebrated ‘Love and Harmony’ as it was the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah. There was music, love, and happiness until hundreds of armed men descended from the sky in parachutes near a music festival- what ensued were ceaseless volleys of gunfire, mercilessly targeting unarmed revelers. Their transgression? Merely partaking in the festivities of the festival or, perhaps, being Jewish—an identity deemed culpable. But this isn’t something new! Israel’s past has always been tumultuous with constant struggles and fierce gaping wars. It all began when the U.N. in 1948 granted the Jews their own country. This was just after almost two-thirds of the entire Jewish Population in Europe was reduced in the Holocaust due to a Fanatic Austrian Art School Reject who espoused the Aryan Supremacy Theory. Unhappy with the decision of the Partition of the state of Palestine- the Arab Nations waged war with Israel- just a day after the U.N declaration. Imagine surviving the most virulent onslaught borne of animosity towards an entire community, only to find oneself embroiled in subsequent conflicts, facing a different adversary each time! This initial strife marked but the commencement of a series of disquieting, ruthless, and sanguinary wars that would unfold in the annals of history.

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Soil and Struggles Unrecognised: Exclusion Amidst Devotion
- DISHAAN D at 20/10/2023

Mishti, a sixteen-year-old, was brought into the world of prostitution at the young age of ten. She was promised a roof over her head, clean clothes to wear and three meals a day. A trade agreement convincing enough for her parents to send her off with an unknown middle-aged man, who brought her to the narrow lanes of Sonagachi. In the past six years, she has tried to escape four times but all efforts were in vain. She could never surpass the ‘Nishiddho Pallis’ (Red Light Areas). Over time she has given up and tried to build a home out of the ten dilapidated rooms. She knew the one at the extreme end corner like the back of her hand, she knew the three spots upon which the filtered light through the curtains would fall, the constant plinks of water from the heavy seepage on the ceiling and the rhythmic yet bothersome humming noise of the fan. Years have passed by and the anger and sorrow have turned into nonchalance and acceptance. She is a reserved girl who lives by each day as asked of her, and in return, asks for just five days of happiness. Each year, from ‘Shoshti to Doshomi’ (Sixth day to Tenth day of Durga Pujo), Mishti is on leave. She puts on her white saree with red borders, a clothing item quintessential to the women of Bengal, and goes to visit nearly all Durga Pandals in North Kolkata with her 4-year old daughter, Gudiya.

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राष्ट्र भाषा हिन्दी: एकता या अन्याय

 "हिन्दी दिवस पर, हिन्दी बोलने वाले, हिन्दी बोलने वालों से कहते है की हिन्दी बोलना चाहिए।"  हरिशंकर परसाई द्वारा लिखा गया यह वाक्य आज हमारे समाज में हिंदी की स्थिति को दर्शाता है।  हिन्दी दिवस की बधाई! परंतु मेरा सवाल ये है की आखिर हिन्दुस्तान में हिंदी दिवस की आवश्यकता क्यूँ? हम इतने सालों से आपस में एक दूसरे को हिन्दी का महत्व क्यों बता रहे है? यह भाषा हमारी संस्कृति का अहम हिस्सा हैं, यह बात हमें हर साल इस देश को क्यूँ याद दिलानी पड़ती हैं?

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Unveiling Minds of Students
- Ishan Pandey at 15/06/2023

Mental health has long been a neglected aspect of overall well-being in India, and this oversight is particularly evident when it comes to students. The pressures of academic performance, societal expectations, and a lack of awareness have contributed to a significant rise in mental health issues among students...

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Rebuilding trusts in NFT
- SUMEET KUMAR at 09/06/2023

Mankind has always taken immense pride in its remarkable technological innovations, which have shaped our society from ancient times, starting with the invention of the wheel, all the way to the revolutionary power of the Internet. Each stride forward represents a testament to our collective progress and the evolution of human civilization. While Web2 brought about unprecedented transformations in various domains, Web3 is now emerging as a promising frontier, captivating the imagination of innovators and tech enthusiasts alike. At the heart of this new era, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have emerged as a groundbreaking means to verify ownership of digital assets using smart contracts on the blockchain.

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Is Love a Social Construct
- SHASHANK RAJ at 01/06/2023

In a labyrinthine world of shadows and veils, where hearts wander and the soul often ails, loneliness reigns with an iron hand, and love, they say, is society's demand. Love, like the vast expanse of life and freedom, should be an ethereal sanctuary where one's own heart becomes the arbiter of its essence. In this realm of personal definition, love becomes a dance of self-expression, an artistry of emotions unfurled. Each individual possesses a unique palette, painting love in vibrant hues that defy the confines of societal norms and expectations. Love, then, becomes a testament to the kaleidoscope of human experiences, transcending boundaries and embracing the extraordinary. Trail the link below to read the pensive piece by Akash(@akashrupam_6102) on the dialectics of love as a construction of society.

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The Transient Strokes and Timeless Echoes of Art
- SUMEET KUMAR at 29/05/2023

This period of Art possibly has had the most diversity in terms of styles, mediums, and ideologies. From paintings to films, from Pablo Picasso to Christopher Nolan, Art is both abstract and visionary. Art, as a transcendent medium, employs its aesthetic prowess to deconstruct paradigms, illuminate ontological depths, and redefine the very essence of human existence. Through its interplay of form, colour, and conceptual frameworks, art unveils profound narratives that challenge preconceived notions and propel society toward transformative introspection.

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The Grappling Dilemma: An Analysis of the Ongoing Wrestlers' Protest in India
- SUMEET KUMAR at 28/05/2023

India's wrestling scene is currently embroiled in a chaotic predicament, as the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) continues to clash with several premier wrestlers. The ongoing protests by wrestlers in India is a complex issue with various characters playing their roles. Typically, a conflict is characterized by two opposing sides. Yet what if I were to tell you that the ongoing struggle comprises a multifaceted face-off amongst three dissimilar groups? Brij Bhushan Singh, the reigning head of WFI, finds himself mired in a scandalous situation. He has been alleged to have indulged in reprehensible behavior such as perpetrating sexual harassment towards women wrestlers and displaying partiality against those belonging to the Haryana region. Standing tall against him are some of the country’s top wrestlers like Sakshi Malik, Bajrang Punia, and Vinesh Phogat. Now the third side involved happens to be Deependra Huda, a congress lawmaker and the former president of the Haryana Wrestling Federation.

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Cricket for All: The Democratization of a Classic Game.
- SUMEET KUMAR at 22/05/2023

n life, we all get a second chance. There are very few unfortunate people who don't get a second chance. Gundappa Vishwanath made a duck on debut, he got a second chance and made 137. If he hadn't got a second chance, we would have missed one of our geniuses, who knows! This game is a great leveller and it shows people rough phases. Sachin was the master of the game and behaved like the servant of the game. But even he went through a lean patch and to the extent that he offered the greatest deal known to mankind that would his partner mind playing Hansie Cronje and he himself plays Allan Donald!

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